my quake education

Things to read:

Things to play:

Things to use:

Things to watch:

Things to reference:

Things to remember:

  • This bit from the second part of Robert Yang's Quake Renaissance series
  • Quake modding symbolizes the opposite of work - it is life. And ultimately this is what the Quake Renaissance is about: when our communities control our own games - from the source code and tools, to the social hubs and archives - we can reinvent it as necessary, and through it, reinvent ourselves too.

Things to know:

  • All that I understand about why one should avoid creating off-grid (non-integer) geometry, and how to avoid them as well as common ways people end up making them on accident. - A BLOG POST IN PROGRESS

Things about other things:

Got suggestions for level design educational or FPS historical materials? Email Me!