Playing to Remember/Remebering to Forget - A New Essay for Tarragon Magazine/h1>


A new magazine is sporting a new piece of writing by me. Check out "Playing to Remember/Remembering to Forget" Terragon Magazine!

This is a rare, sort of poetic piece from me exploring my memories and nostalgia for an old videogame through the ruins of its capitalistic remastered form, in Grand theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition. I wrote it for a class in grad school about documentary poetics. It used to have a much larger scholastic part to it that I cut down for this version, though I think the point still comes across in what we have here. Shout out to my wonderful editor Theodore for supporting my vision and writing, and for giving me the opportunity to be in the first volume of this awesome magazine. Check out all the pieces, but, seriously, make sure to take in their stunning opening piece about how Runescape shaped their perception of, well, so many things... I seriously love it.