A Ride Through the Objective Field of Passion


My latest piece of writing on videogames is the cover feature in Unwinnable Monthly's March Issue. "A Ride Through the Objective Field of Passion" is a Situationist perspective on digital architecture and narrative space, framed by an analysis of a custom Left4Dead 2 campaign that replicates Disneyland California.

You can read an excerpt of the article on the Unwinnable webpage right now. If it piques your interest, you can purchase the March issue to read the full article, or nab a subscription to the monthly magazine for access to this issue and the entire publication backlog. Unwinnable is a great publication that offers opportunities for publication to a diverse range of authors, so you can always expect a monthly issue to include writing that belies a unique perspective on pop culture and videogames. If you can afford to, I really recommend getting a subscription!