Nameless Revenge

Quake | Singleplayer | Built in Trenchbroom | Development: 2023-2024 | My first map | Download Link

Nameless Revenge is a large single-player Quake map with a looping structure that has players traveling far along, high above, and returning to already visited locations from new vantages. This was the first long-term Quake mapping project I ever completed, with development spanning about a year as I began a full-time job in a games industry after completing my masters program.

I began this project mostly to learn Trenchbroom and worked without constraints in either my design or development practice, for better or worse. I made many mistakes that I had to later fix or work around but also did things that helped me to learn a lot about my sensibilities and what I could be capable of as a level designer working with Quake's engine, monsters, its codebase, and its vast community of professional and amateur developers. Subsequently it is amateurish but ambitious, and yet I think it captures the delightful and surprising qualities of the convoluted scale of some levels in its primary inspiration, Bloodborne. I learned much during its development and it's a point of pride to present this messy thing.


10/02/2023 - "Map Making Crafting and Theory: Nameless Revenge"

03/04/2024 - "Practice and Revision"


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