
Quake | Singleplayer | Built in Trenchbroom | Development: 2024 (ongoing) | Multi-dungeon adventure

My current work in progress single-player Quake map is tentatively titled InchRevision, and I aim for it to be a non-linear quest-style experience where players will plum the depths of three combat-intensive dungeons that each possess their own unique pace and visual theme. Already it is full of secrets, nefarious traps and setpieces. By the end I hope that InchRevision will be a fun adventure for players with a very videogame-y feel to its appearance and structure, in contrast with my previous map Nameless Revenge.

As of July 15th 2024 it is about 2/3rds done, but I am willing to share what I have completed already. So please enjoy the demo video embedded above and the screenshots down below : )


03/04/2024 - "Practice and Revision"


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